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  • Ancient Beginnings: Tracing the Timeless Journey of Essential Oil Origins

    A Brief History of Essential Oils Maybe our modern love of essential oils is rooted in our ancestral DNA. From what we understand today, nature has provided these therapeutic essences since the beginning of the plant kingdom. Cultures all over the world— Rome, Egypt, Greece, India, China, and Europe — have historical evidence of using essential oils for centuries. They have been used for everything from beauty and healing, to ceremonies and food preparation. (1) The first documented use of essential oils was back in 4500 BC. Ancient Egyptians used aromatic oils in cosmetics, perfumes, and ointments as well as for spiritual and physical well-being. (1) Though it’s not documented, it’s believed that aromatic oils were also being used in traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine during the same time. Based on the recorded history (starting as early as 3000 BC), “China and India listed more than 700 substances including cinnamon, ginger, myrrh, and sandalwood as being effective for healing.”(2) There are many prized depictions of Egyptians in ancient pictorials on temple walls showing royalty using essential oils. As the story goes, an excavation team found King Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922 and found over 50 alabaster jars that were specially carved for essential oils. Previous thieves of the tomb had taken the revered essential oils, but left the gold! (1) The Way to Health The use of essential oils to combat the bubonic plague dates back to the Middle Ages, particularly during the outbreak known as the Black Death in the 14th century. During this time, people turned to essential oils for their purported antiseptic healing properties in an effort to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of the disease. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, also fumigated the city of Athens with aromatics to combat the plague, and prescribed aromatic treatments to Greek soldiers. (1) Hippocrates is known to have claimed that the way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massage every day. Count me in! Though essential oils had long been considered prized possessions to be used sparingly and with care, Romans used essential oils with sheer decadence. Not only did they scent their hair, body, and beds, but they also lavishly bathed multiple times a day with their oils and had frequent aromatic massages. (1) As history goes, Roman culture was influenced by Greek culture which was influenced by the Egyptians. At least with their use of these precious aromatic oils! The Test of Time We continue to use essential oils in many of the same ways our ancestors did. Today, essential oils are widely used throughout the world for therapeutic purposes ranging from sleep disorders, stress relief, wound healing, aches and pains, skincare, cosmetics, bug bite and sting relief, meditation, and an assortment of aromatic purposes. According to the National Library of Medicine, some essential oils like Lavender, Peppermint and Myrrh are still being used pharmaceutically and soon “could be used effectively as suitable alternatives for many synthetically produced medications.”(2) Perhaps Hippocrates was onto something. Maybe it doesn’t have to be hours of soaking or lavish spa days. Maybe the way to health is as easy as using essential oil-based skincare. Topsy Blends offers a wide range of both natural remedies and luxurious body care made with 100% pure essential oils for cleansing daily rituals proven to stand the test of time. Cheers to good health, Rachel Your personal aromatherapist (1) (2) Elshafie HS, Camele I. An Overview of the Biological Effects of Some Mediterranean Essential Oils on Human Health. Biomed Res Int. 2017;2017:9268468. doi: 10.1155/2017/9268468. Epub 2017 Nov 5. PMID: 29230418; PMCID: PMC5694587. (3)

  • 10 Easy Tips to Calm Allergies FAST

    Win in the battle against pollen and perennially runny noses Spring Sneeze-in is upon us! This short blog is your guide to a win in the battle against pollen and perennially runny noses. With 5 tips to boost your immune system & 10 natural at-home remedies to help you thrive amongst the spring sniffles. It’s about to be the time of year when we all want to go outside and rejoice that the snow has retreated back to tippy top of the mountains where it belongs and away from my freshly planted flowers! I don’t know about you, but I always jump the gun on planting my garden flowers. Every. Single. Year. I get way too excited on the first sunny day after months of Oregon rain. But alas, with the pretty flowers and sunnier days ahead, come the allergies. BOOO!! Allergies! Literal tears are flowing. I have some handy tips that will help you enjoy springtime to its fullest. These tips are easy, natural, and most importantly, they WORK. For starters, what are allergies and why do 40-60 million Americans annually feel like we’re chopping fresh onions when we’re outside?! Allergy symptoms are caused by your body attempting to do its best to protect you from allergens like grasses, plants, animal dander, bee pollen, dust mites, etc.*(1) Your immune system is scanning these allergens as evil intruders. The allergic reactions you may experience are your cells sending out histamine in which blood vessels expand and cause symptoms like runny noses, itchy/watery eyes, headaches, sneezing, and coughing.*(1) Gee, thanks body! In its defense, your body is on your offense team. It’s just tryin’ to help. To keep allergies at bay, it’s best to support your body in all its tireless efforts to keep you healthy. We can do our part to support our immune system by clearing allergens from our environment and quickly calm these allergy systems with all-natural remedies. Here are ways to support our immune system plus 10 easy, natural tips to clear up allergy symptoms. 5 Ways to support our over-worked immune system naturally: Get plenty of sleep. Sleep is paramount to good health. Stress management. Way easier said than done, but take time out of your day to practice mindfulness and mental relaxation. Essential oils work wonders for stress release! Wash bed linens frequently to prevent allergens and dust mites for accumulating. Bonus- freshen the sheets between washes with Nightly Ritual air & body spray to reduce dust mites and help relax and calm the mind before bed. Use all-natural skincare products. Products made with synthetic ingredients and fragrances are filtered through your blood, which can be harder for your body to process and in turn makes your immune system work much harder than it needs to. By switching to you support both your skin and your body’s immune system. Use all-natural cleaning products for many of the same reasons above! By using essential oil-based cleaning products you are using natural antibacterial agents to remove germs, purify the air (instead of masking the air with non-natural fragrance odor), and also support your immune system. Clean & dust regularly. Think of it as when you use non-natural cleaning and skincare products, you are stressing out your immune system. We don’t want that- My mind does more than enough stress I’d prefer to manage, thank you very much! ESSENTIAL OILS FOR ALLERGIES and how to use them Essential Oil Steam - Calm inflammation and clear your respiratory tract by adding 1-2 drops (no more than that!) of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, or Respiratory ReLeaf to a bowl of hot water. Close your eyes, cover your head over the bowl with a towel, and breathe deeply in and out for as long as possible. Try to do 2-5 minutes for the best results. Aromatherapy inhalers are the BEST if you are out and about. Particularly the Breathe Easy inhaler. So handy. Diffuse leafy, respiratory-supportive essential oils like Eucalyptus, Ravintsara, Peppermint, Basil, Fir, or the Respiratory ReLeaf blend. This supports your immune system AND helps neutralize airborne allergens in your home. Flush sinuses with water saline solution with a Neti Pot. Use an aromatherapy room spray! Bergamot Forest works wonderfully as an anti-allergen room mist. Herbal Tea: Drink Nettle or Eucalyptus Mint Tea (Traditional Medicinals has a great Breathe Easy tea!) Take an aromatherapy bath. By adding 6-8 drops of Lavender or Eucalyptus to 1 tablespoon of castile soap or a carrier oil of your choice, you can ease stress and tension while opening your breath and supporting your immune and respiratory system. Rub it on. Super stuffed up? Try applying the ReLeaf Rub on your chest, throat, and a small amount under the nose to clear sinus congestion and act as a traditional vapor rub. Sinus Relief Tissues! Add a few drops of Eucalyptus or Respiratory ReLeaf essential oil to the cardboard sides of a tissue box to clear your sinuses every time you grab for a tissue! Try a daily aromatherapy shower by adding a few drops of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Peppermint, or Respiratory ReLeaf to the shower flower, out of the direct stream of the shower and create a spa-like steam that opens airways, clears sinus congestions, and awakes the mind and body. Essential Oil Steam Shown Here So, why do essential oils work to help with allergy relief? Essential oils are made up of molecules that relieve inflammation, coughing, phlegm/mucus, runny eyes, and congested airways.*(2) The 2 key components are 1,8 cineole (found in oils like Eucalyptus) and Terpinen-4-ol (found in oils like Tea Tree). 1,8 cineole helps clear breathing and calm inflammation. Terpinen-4-ol is a well known antihistamine, helps reduce inflammation, and relax the muscles. *(2) These are just a few of the benefits that essential oils and natural remedies can offer to support your immune system and give you the relief you need this spring. Questions?! Email me and I’m happy to offer more in-depth information and personalized support depending on your needs. With wishes of good health and wellness, Rachel, your neighborhood aromatherapist *(1) *(2) - Jennifer Peace Rhind - Aromatherapeutic Blending

  • True Love Reigns Within

    HOW SELF LOVE PROMOTES BETTER HEALTH With Valentine's Day around the corner, you may be bombarded with advertising and promotions with gift-centered romance themes. I’m not much of a romantic, but I am all about love. It’s impossible to fully love another unless we love ourselves. This is the main reason why I feel Valentine's Day is an added reason to reflect on self-love. Self-love may seem selfish to some, but by filling up your own cup of love, it becomes effortless to share your love and attention with everyone else around you. There is no better way to foster love than by taking moments out of the day to mindfully breathe, turn attention within, and recenter thoughts onto feelings of gratitude for all that we have. This could be in the form of meditation, writing in a gratitude journal, while stretching, or simply spending quiet time alone focusing on the things we love about ourselves, our family, and those we encounter. Essentially, no distractions. No phones or TVs, just experience sweet solitude and silence. Gratitude = Peace, Acceptance, Oneness, and of course, Love. This daily gratitude practice is all the more powerful when accompanied by an aroma that brings you joy and comfort. Our sense of smell is one of the most powerful tools we can use to encourage love, intimacy, and opening up the heart. Just by inhaling essential oils, you make an immediate connection with your limbic system which governs the regions related to emotions and memories. Whether you are looking to release negative self-talk, have more emotional balance, or ignite your sensual spirit, you can use a therapeutic essential oil from the list below to encourage self-love. Essential oils also help keep us present. So when stress and worries get the best of you, turn to one of these essential oils to help refocus your attention which will allow more space for inner stillness. Stress and unhappiness often arise when we are focusing on the things we don’t have or putting blame on someone or something else outside of us. Take your power back. The more we choose to look for things we are grateful for, the more ease and comfort we have in our mind and heart. If you are in a relationship, make mental notes daily of the things you love about the person you're with. Verbally express them. Make them know you are grateful for their presence and actions. The more you share your gratitudes of the simple things like taking out the trash, making coffee in the morning, or making the bed, the more you encourage them to take these loving actions. Of course, be sure to return the favors! If you are feeling lonely, turn this feeling into all-empowered Aloneness. Aloneness is the opposite of codependence. It’s knowing you are whole and complete exactly where you are. The more you love yourself, the more others will love to be around you! Embracing aloneness is a state of being while feeling lonely is an emotion. According to numerous studies, “people who set aside time to be alone tend to be happier. They report better life satisfaction and lower levels of stress. They are less likely to have depression.”*1 Key takeaways, coupled or not, spending quality time alone, even for a few minutes a day, to focus on the various aspects of life to be grateful for, not only gives you more peace of mind and less stress, it encourages love on all levels. Using therapeutic essential oils coupled with a daily gratitude practice amplifies and supports mental and emotional health which in turn amplifies self-love. May your heart overflow with love today and every day, Rachel Resources *1 - Amy Morin. 2023 5-ways-solitude-can-make-you-more-successful-backed-by-science

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